Says "Tune-ups keep us moving" with a picture of an oil change.

What is Website Maintenance?

Website maintenance is the process of monitoring your website’s overall health and performance. Unhealthy websites are a playground for hackers, slow your site down, and can cause unwanted technical issues. With any of our managed hosting plans, we will update your plugins and themes and monitor your web server to keep your site working at…

Storage buildings

What is a Website Host?

The short answer: A host stores your website data and files on a web server. If you have a website you need a host, but not all hosts are the same. Think of a server as a storage building for your digital data. If you have lots of valuables or enough items to fill up…

test that reads 'stop calling it easy" over an image of water

Tech folks: Stop calling things Easy.

When you call something “simple,” “easy,” or “self-explanatory” in product documentation, you’re insulting your reader. You should stop doing that. Let’s put it in another context to illustrate my point. Scene: local auto repair shop. Your mechanic emerges from under the hood holding a small piece of rubber between grease-marked pointer finger and thumb. “Here’s…